You were born for a purpose. The greatest part of following Jesus is the realization of what you were born for. Not one person in the Bible was born just to be. They all served a purpose, all had a plan, all had a reason. Some were tasked with a life long mission and others were tasked with something for a moment. We all serve one purpose. 1 To get people to realize who their Father is in their life and the reality that his Son, our Savior Jesus, died to make this relationship possible. 2. To prepare the world for his second coming. Yet, we all do this in many ways. Some people sing, some people preach, some people teach, some people assist others, some people pray, some do things in the natural and others do things in the spiritual. Yet, they all have a gift and all have a purpose. Religion tells you that only people who follow all the rules, all the verses, all the songs are called. That’s the lie of religion, and not the course of humanity or the purpose God called us to be. God called some of the most unlikely, unqualified people. This is not a call of skills but a call of faith. Its not a commitment to custom but a commitment to Christ.
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